Friday, March 1, 2013

HOOKED {by kristen} 2000 Fan Giveaway Celebration

Wow!  Is it really that time?  I can't believe how amazing these past *almost* two years have been.  I am so incredibly blessed to have grown my business to allow me to be a mom at home to my three adorable (and one on the way) children.  And, you are all a part of that!  So, to keep this short, THANK YOU!  Here is my gift to you for being with me the entire way (and if you are just joining us, to welcome you!)

You have the opportunity to win over 50 amazing prizes!!!  I cannot believe it!  These incredibly crafty ladies have joined me in celebrating and I am forever grateful to them for their generosity to me and YOU!  PLEASE do not forget to thank them!  You can do so by messaging them or posting to there wall, but the biggest way to do so is to LIKE their page.  It is super easy to do and I know you won't regret it.

You will NOT be eligible to win their prize if you have not liked their page.  This step is mandatory for being selected.  And, yes there are ways that we can verify this.  The last giveaway I held some ladies missed out on some amazing prizes because they did not like the pages.  And, that is so unfortunate.  They have gifted these prizes to the giveaway and I do so hope that you show them your gratitude!  There are not enough ways for me to show it to them on my own!

Start here on facebook to read the details of each item being donated to the giveaway and see their incredibly amazing pictures!

So, here it is!  Giveaway starts at 11pm CST on 3.01.13 and ends at 11pm CST on 3.09.13


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 22, 2013

almost GIVEAWAY time!!!

We are getting so close to 2000 fans!  This is so exciting.  I sometimes can't believe how blessed I have been with my little business.  2000 fans in less than 2 years.  I would have never dreamed this!  I remember worrying if I would ever get 100 people to like my products.  Now I have shipped little crocheted goodies to nearly every state in the US including a dozen plus countries worldwide.  Warms my heart to know my creations/crochet art is topping little heads around the world, adorning little newborns for those precious photos and even accessorizing a few moms out there!  You guys are all amazing and have been a part of this wonderful journey of mine.  And, for that, I would like to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

So, how will I thank you, you ask?  Why of course with an amazing giveaway!  It is shaping up to be full of some pretty awesome vendors!  Stay tuned to facebook as I continue to post new vendors.  The giveaway will start in approximately ONE week.  Details about exact run dates will be coming soon!

Thank you all and {stay hooked}!!!